You are viewing documentation for Kubernetes version: v1.30

Kubernetes v1.30 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date information, see the latest version.

Posts in 2023

  • Announcing the 2023 Steering Committee Election Results

    By Kaslin Fields | Monday, October 02, 2023 in Blog

    The 2023 Steering Committee Election is now complete. The Kubernetes Steering Committee consists of 7 seats, 4 of which were up for election in 2023. Incoming committee members serve a term of 2 years, and all members are elected by the Kubernetes …

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  • Happy 7th Birthday kubeadm!

    By Fabrizio Pandini (VMware) | Tuesday, September 26, 2023 in Blog

    What a journey so far! Starting from the initial blog post “How we made Kubernetes insanely easy to install” in September 2016, followed by an exciting growth that lead to general availability / “Production-Ready Kubernetes Cluster Creation with …

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  • kubeadm: Use etcd Learner to Join a Control Plane Node Safely

    By Paco Xu (DaoCloud) | Monday, September 25, 2023 in Blog

    The kubeadm tool now supports etcd learner mode, which allows you to enhance the resilience and stability of your Kubernetes clusters by leveraging the learner mode feature introduced in etcd version 3.4. This guide will walk you through using etcd …

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  • User Namespaces: Now Supports Running Stateful Pods in Alpha!

    By Rodrigo Campos Catelin (Microsoft), Giuseppe Scrivano (Red Hat), Sascha Grunert (Red Hat) | Wednesday, September 13, 2023 in Blog

    Kubernetes v1.25 introduced support for user namespaces for only stateless pods. Kubernetes 1.28 lifted that restriction, after some design changes were done in 1.27. The beauty of this feature is that: it is trivial to adopt (you just need to set a …

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  • Comparing Local Kubernetes Development Tools: Telepresence, Gefyra, and mirrord

    By Eyal Bukchin (MetalBear) | Tuesday, September 12, 2023 in Blog

    The Kubernetes development cycle is an evolving landscape with a myriad of tools seeking to streamline the process. Each tool has its unique approach, and the choice often comes down to individual project requirements, the team's expertise, and the …

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  • Kubernetes Legacy Package Repositories Will Be Frozen On September 13, 2023

    By Bob Killen (Google), Chris Short (AWS), Jeremy Rickard (Microsoft), Marko Mudrinić (Kubermatic), Tim Bannister (The Scale Factory) | Thursday, August 31, 2023 in Blog

    On August 15, 2023, the Kubernetes project announced the general availability of the community-owned package repositories for Debian and RPM packages available at The new package repositories are replacement for the legacy Google-hosted …

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  • Gateway API v0.8.0: Introducing Service Mesh Support

    By Flynn (Buoyant), John Howard (Google), Keith Mattix (Microsoft), Michael Beaumont (Kong), Mike Morris (independent), Rob Scott (Google) | Tuesday, August 29, 2023 in Blog

    We are thrilled to announce the v0.8.0 release of Gateway API! With this release, Gateway API support for service mesh has reached Experimental status. We look forward to your feedback! We're especially delighted to announce that Kuma 2.3+, Linkerd …

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  • Kubernetes 1.28: A New (alpha) Mechanism For Safer Cluster Upgrades

    By Richa Banker (Google) | Monday, August 28, 2023 in Blog

    This blog describes the mixed version proxy, a new alpha feature in Kubernetes 1.28. The mixed version proxy enables an HTTP request for a resource to be served by the correct API server in cases where there are multiple API servers at varied …

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  • Kubernetes v1.28: Introducing native sidecar containers

    By Todd Neal (AWS), Matthias Bertschy (ARMO), Sergey Kanzhelev (Google), Gunju Kim (NAVER), Shannon Kularathna (Google) | Friday, August 25, 2023 in Blog

    This post explains how to use the new sidecar feature, which enables restartable init containers and is available in alpha in Kubernetes 1.28. We want your feedback so that we can graduate this feature as soon as possible. The concept of a “sidecar” …

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  • Kubernetes 1.28: Beta support for using swap on Linux

    By Itamar Holder (Red Hat) | Thursday, August 24, 2023 in Blog

    The 1.22 release introduced Alpha support for configuring swap memory usage for Kubernetes workloads running on Linux on a per-node basis. Now, in release 1.28, support for swap on Linux nodes has graduated to Beta, along with many new improvements. …

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